The Holy Baal Shem Tov

Miriam Racquel Feldman
3 min readSep 16, 2022

by Miriam Racquel Feldman, Author, Somatic/Mindbody Healer & Relationship Coach,

The Holy Baal Shem Tov

Words to Inspire

Dear Awesome Person,

Recently was the birthday of the holy Baal Shem Tov. A Jewish sage, he brought the hidden jewels of the Torah into the world.

As a poor orphan in the 1700’s in a small town of Ukraine, he spent much of his time in nature meditating and connecting with his faith in Hashem (G-d). He had a tremendous well of compassion for others and became a school teacher of young children before revealing his depth as a brilliant scholar and leading the Jewish Chassidic movement. The people of his generation were poor and had suffered horrifically from the anti-semitic pogroms. His immense kindness and integrity led people to trust in him when at 36 years old he revealed to the world the jewels of Jewish mysticism for all to enjoy

Once, in a meditation, he was elevated to immense supernal heights and entered into the chamber of the Moshiach (Messiah).

He asked the Messiah the famous question: “When will the Master come?”

The answer was this:

“In the time when your teaching will become public and revealed in the world, and your wellsprings will burst forth to the farthest extremes……”

This has happened already. The Baal Shem Tov’s teachings are spoken about everywhere, even as far off as the Himalayan mountains where there is a Chabad house. I’ve seen quotes and stories of the Baal Shem Tov all over social media. His teachings have even been blasted out of modern-day speaker systems by the singer Matisyahu in his song ‘Bal Shem Tov.’ The acoustic version is beautiful and shares the visions of the hidden world that the Baal Shem saw in his meditation.

I have shared many of the Baal Shem Tov’s teachings in my book, God Said What?! #MyOrthodoxLife, which is being enjoyed globally. I have received emails and messages from readers from India, from Scotland, from Australia. As we can see — the wellsprings of the Baal Shem Tov have been spread. What a miracle!

Since this prophecy has been fulfilled already, the other part should be fulfilled as well — a full ushering of the time of PEACE and HEALTH when the Moshiach is completely revealed. May we see this speedily in our days.

His birth and his birthday is a blessing for us all! Amen!

Enjoy my recently released memoir, God Said What?! #MyOrthodoxLife. It was an 8-year long journey of birthing it into the world, but a worthwhile one indeed to share this tale of love, humor, faith, and Kabbalistic mystical happenings.

Enjoy this podcast that I had with health coach, Jillian Loren. We discussed God Said What?! #MyOrthodoxLife as well as Somatic/Mindbody healing, trauma, horses, seals, labels, reincarnation and much more: Somatic Healing, Listening to Your Body and the Healing Power of Animals

I had the amazing opportunity to meet Judge Ruchie Freier and she shared with me that SHE LOVED IT! She is one of my heroes and how delightful it was for her to tell me that she is a fan of mine (and her mother is too!). There is so much going on behind the scenes and it’s such a gift when the curtains part a bit and you can see revealed wonders.

Love & blessings,

Miriam Racquel Feldman

Somatic/Mindbody Healer, Clarity Coach & Relationship Expert

Author of “God Said What?! #MyOrthodoxLife”



Miriam Racquel Feldman
Miriam Racquel Feldman

Written by Miriam Racquel Feldman

Somatic Healer/Trauma Specialist/ Marriage Coach . Empowering women to trust themselves through the wisdom of their bodies & intuition. Visit

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