Self-Care Tip: Balance Your Energy of Doing and Being
Mindbody Wellness Clarity Tip
Dear Awesome Woman,
As women, we have a balancing act to do with our energies. There is the action energy of doing. And there is the nourishing energy of just being. We all have different styles — some of us are more extroverted while others of us are more introverted, but either way, all of us share these energies, the doing and the being.
As Tami Kent explains in her book, “The Wild Feminine,” there are two sides of the ovary — the right side and the left side. The right side is the “giving” side and the left side is the “receiving” side. The activities of the right ovary are ones of action — exercising, participating on social media, caretaking, creating, doing, socializing (yes, even distantly), shopping, cleaning, organizing and working. The left ovary activities are more meditative, nourishing ones of being — lounging in the garden, napping, writing in a journal, walking, breathing meditations or sitting in stillness.
This idea also fits in very well with kabbalistic concepts of the right side and left side of the body, the right side being the more masculine energy of “mashpia” — giving, and the left side being of feminine energy, referred to as “mkabel,” receiving. We all have feminine and masculine energies in us and we need both sides.
For me, it is interesting to notice the ebb and flow of the activities and energies that I use throughout the day. Most importantly, I try to pay attention to the messages of my body.
When I’m involved in an action oriented activity and I start to feel tension, I’ll know it’s time to stop. Or to just pause with a simple “being” activity, like a conscious breath break or a short wander walk. Also, since I spend a lot of time at my desk writing books and articles, I have a timer that rings every eleven minutes to remind me to take a conscious breath, rearrange my posture or get up and stretch. This helps prevent muscle tension from sneaking up on me when I get lost in what I’m creating.
When I’m in a nourishing activity, I’ll notice when I start feeling a bit bored and am desiring more action.
This balance fluctuates throughout the day, throughout the seasons and throughout different time periods in my life, depending on what situations are presenting themselves at the time.
I invite you to do the same. Notice what kind of activity that you are involved in and if you’re feeling excited, productive, calm, nurtured, or practical in it. Notice when your body feels antsy, tired, or heavy and if it’s time to do something different. Notice when you feel frustrated, depleted or drained and whether your health and mood would benefit from taking a break or shifting gears. These emotions and physical sensations are messages that your body is communicating to you. The key is somatic awareness — noticing your inner body sensations which are vibrational and energetic.
Sending blessings for a balanced day :)
As always, I can be easily reached by scheduling your free Clarity call. Working together will help you to increase your somatic and intuitive awareness for greater clarity and vitality in your life. Looking forward to connecting :)
Miriam Racquel (Meryl)
Somatic Healer & Clarity Coach