Vertigo, Spaced or Lethargic? — The Hidden Toxic Effects of Stuck Emotion
Mindbody Wellness Clarity Tip
Dear Awesome Woman,
Many of us don’t realize that when we refuse to get honest with ourselves and feel what we’re feeling that we are putting our health at risk, G-d forbid.
I know it’s uncomfortable to admit that we’re angry, sad, or shamed about a situation, but when we ignore or suppress the energy of the emotion, it does a whopper on our Mindbody connection and therefore health.
I met a woman recently who had some physical symptoms of feeling spaced and a bit lost. When I asked her if there had been any event near the time that she started feeling this way, she said ‘no.’ I dropped the point and we spoke about other things.
A few minutes later, she mentioned that she had experienced a disappointing business deal. I could see the wheels of her mind churning as she started to make a connection to the ‘trauma’ of the event and the ‘new’ spaciness that she had been experiencing ever since.
I’m using the word trauma here to describe a small event, a disappointment, but a bit of a shocker. Things didn’t turn out as she had hoped and expected.
And it effected her. More importantly it effected her Mindbody connection. Maybe her mind was trying to ignore the discomfort of feeling angry, annoyed, sad, and scared, but her body wasn’t. Her body was feeling all those emotions. Emotions are energy in motion and just like energy outside of us can’t be ignored neither can the energy inside of us.
So, is there anything that you’re ignoring in your life and having weird symptoms? Our health is a balance of mind, body, emotions and soul. Somatic healing integrates all these parts and leads to clarity, health and wellness.
Need a helping hand? As a Somatic Healer and Clarity Coach, I help busy women step into their radiant power through quick shifts towards transformational healing, marriage tune-ups, and toxic relationship detoxes. I guide them in aligning with their physical, emotional and intuitive wisdom, empowering them with clarity, vibrancy and peace-of-mind. You can easily schedule a Free Clarity call here. Looking forward to hearing your voice :)
I’m also excited to announce that, after many months of work and technological glitches, my eguide, ‘How to Escape from the Borderline/Narcissist’s Web’ is finished. If you’d like this freebie gift, here is the link. Please share the link if you know someone who has been effected by a Borderline/Narcissist. These relationships are truly toxic and the information I share can be lifesaving. Thank you!
Sending blessings,
Miriam Racquel (Meryl) Feldman
Somatic Healer & Clarity Coach