Marriage Magic Tip: Getting In Touch With Your Senses
Mindbody Wellness
Dear Awesome Woman,
As a woman, you may be so busy in your mind and in your actions, that you forget to breathe consciously as well as constrict certain muscles in your body. Getting present with your senses brings a sense of safety to your body, your mind and your heart. This takes you out of feeling like you are being chased by a lion, living in a state of constant fight/flight and enhances your intuition so you can be wise and kind to yourself and others. Your body (as well as your marriage) will be healthier too!
Here’s a few tips for Mindbody awareness and for getting in touch with your senses:
1. A Quick Sense Spot Meditation:
Close your eyes and notice what you are hearing. Throw your hearing out in all directions as far as it can go. Just listen.
Breathe in and feel your breath being inhaled and exhaled.
Sense what your clothes feel like on your body. Also, sense the way your body feels in the chair you are sitting on. Feel your feet on the ground. If you’re outside, notice the sun on your face, the breeze passing you by.
Taste what you taste in your mouth.
Open your eyes slowly and take in what you see with a wide, relaxed vision.
2. Sticker Breathing:
To get into the present moment, put a few stickers on places throughout your home. A few times a day (you decide on a number — 3- 5 would be terrific) take a pause when you come across the sticker, and breathe a deep inhale in and release. You can also bring your arms over your head, curl your fingers onto the top of your crown (it makes a heart shape) and get that expansion in your chest. Relax any parts of you that are holding tight. Pay particular awareness to your stomach and back area where you may tend to hold tension.
3. Mindbody Awareness:
Notice what your body is telling you when you are interacting with your husband. Does your stomach clench, your breath constrict, your jaw clench? These are actual emotional responses being conveyed to you through your physical sensations. You can put your hand on those places which allows the energy to flow instead of getting stuck. Getting professional guidance is helpful to understand what your mind and body are telling you. How you may be interpreting things can stem from childhood wounding, trauma, past resentments, misunderstandings etc. There is a vast range of things that can be happening in your Mindbody system at once. But the first step is awareness that your body is speaking to you.
4. Bring an Angel in to Help:
When there is something important to speak to your spouse about or if there is a conflict going on, try to bring a compassionate angel into your imagination. Your imagination is a powerful tool for living. As you may have done before, when you imagine the worst case scenarios, your body will be in fear as if that event is happening at the moment. So you can also use your imagination for good too! Imagining that there is a spiritual figure that is higher than this physical world — seeing and understanding everything, uplifts the situation that you are in at the moment. Your energy will shift (you will feel safer) and that will help bring wise words for you to speak. Your spouse will also feel safer — energy is tangible. When we are scared or angry (and sometimes we need to be to set boundaries), dialogue can be confrontational. Bringing an angel into your imagination can create a more peaceful solution.
A version of this article was also published in Nishei Magazine for Jewish Women
Need a helping hand? I’m a Somatic Healer, Clarity Coach and Relationship Expert, helping to empower women to trust themselves through the wisdom of their bodies and intuition. Marriage Magic, career decisions, goal setting, toxic relationship healing, emotional and physical pain relief, and trauma processing can all be accomplished through an integrated somatic process over the phone. I welcome you to schedule a Free 20-minute Clarity Call as well as download a free gift eguide: “3 Secrets to Solve Burnout and Get Energized the Mindbody Wellness” Way’ . You can also visit MiriamRacquel.com to get started on your Mindbody Wellness journey for health, healing and relationship tips today.
Here’s what a happy client has to say:
I reached out to Miriam Racquel shortly after I had just gotten married as my marriage was not turning out to be the fairytale I had always dreamed it to be. Within just a few sessions I began feeling so empowered to make positive, lasting changes in my marriage that I had control over, and the wisdom I have accessed through Miriam Racquel’s help has truly transformed my marriage into the playful, passionate one that I have always desired. I love the mind-body healing work that Miriam Racquel infuses into her sessions. These practices have allowed me to release my emotions in a powerful way and give me a great sense of relief, validation, and confidence to help me move forward with love.
- N.C.G., Atlanta, Georgia
Sending love and blessings,
Miriam Racquel (Meryl)
Somatic Healer & Clarity Coach