Miriam Racquel Feldman

Maintaining Calm When the World Seems to Be Falling Apart

Miriam Racquel Feldman
5 min readSep 25, 2022

Mindbody Wellness Clarity Tips

by Miriam Racquel Feldman, Somatic/Mindbody Healer, Clarity & Relationship Coach & Author, MiriamRacquel.com

Dear Awesome Woman,

Are you a person who has high anxiety about world crises? That’s totally understandable and at the same time, harmful for your nervous system. Let’s see if we can dial down some of that anxiety so you can stay healthy.

When there are loud political conflicts, weird climate changes, stock market drops and inflation, we can feel the reverberations of these worries in our being. Even if you are a person who avoids watching the news because you are just trying to maintain your sanity, it is hard not to be touched by the negativity and fear that abounds.

When we hear bad news in general, there is the tendency to freeze. This is really tough on our bodies, because energy gets locked up and all sorts of weird symptoms can stem from that. We feel emotionally powerless.

If the bad news is something personal, we can process it, get movement around it and empower ourselves. That is the somatic healing work I do with my clients. One of the most important things I share with them is to get bigger with the energy instead of suppressing it. I have many Mindbody/Somatic tools for this kind of process, release and relief of frozen, trapped energy. And since the “bad news” is personal, there are action steps to take to empower ourselves.

But when we are talking about global issues, the tendency is to step into fear, get frozen and not have release because the issue is so ginormous and we feel so small. Like world peace, like the stock market, like inflation, like politics etc. — ginormous complicated and complex systems that seem so beyond our ability to do anything about. Again, powerlessness.

Here are 3 steps to take if you get flooded by anxiety over a global issue:

1. Ask yourself if this is your issue.

There’s a lot of venting going on in the news, in social media and at social events. But do you want to talk about this issue that’s being vented about? If there is venom being spouted and opinions (especially the arrogant type of opinions where someone actually thinks they know everything about the subject and are 100% right) being shared, do you want to participate? Maybe you’d prefer to get more personal and talk about the kids, or the last vacation the person was on and the wonders they saw or the relaxation they had. Or a new exciting project they’re doing, some knowledge they have that you’d love to hear. To a certain extent, you get to choose the exposure you have to these issues.

There is so much good news happening in the world at large and yet, this is rarely shared in the media, which is alarmist and doomsday oriented. As philosopher, Alain de Botton, shares, “Always remember that the news is always trying to make you scared. It’s bad for us, but very good for news organizations: the easiest way to get an audience is through frightening people.” Do you really want to give attention to these kinds of news organizations? I don’t.

So when you are with others, perhaps lead the conversation to topics that are uplifting, kind and connecting. Your friends and colleagues may feel very grateful to leave an event feeling relaxed and happy instead of in an anxious state of fear and stress.

2. Anxiety is made up of 3 emotions.

Emotions are “energy in motion” and present themselves as physical sensations in the body.

A clenched jaw? Who are you angry with?

A dropped stomach? What are you afraid of?

A constricted breath and tight chest? What are you ruminating about?

Anxiety is generally made up of 3 emotions: anger, fear and sadness. Identify which emotion is most present around that global issue that you are thinking about. You may feel all three of the emotions, but maybe one more present than the others.

Are you fearful about inflation and what it means for your family?

Are you sad that extreme climate conditions are hurting people?

Are you angry that there seems to be so many lies around the politicians, it’s hard to know what’s truthful?

Notice in your body the sensations that are coming up for you and put your hand on that part. Comfort yourself with compassion for your sadness. Send compassion with your thoughts and energy to others suffering.ROAR! about the lies behind everything and the fear that is coming up for you.

Let that emotional energy flow.

3. What empowering thing can you do about these issues that bother you?

Do small actions to make a difference in the causes that you care about. Charity and helping at organizations that you feel make a difference is a great plan. Be kind to you by not overwhelming your nervous system with big tasks. Understand that tiny steps of action lead to big changes.

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Remember that you have a caring heart and that is why overwhelm may happen. Processing your emotions as physical sensations, taking things slow, and making choices about how much you want to be involved in high-stress topics will keep you living an empowered life.

Need a helping hand? Schedule your Free Clarity Call today! As a Somatic Healer, Clarity Coach & Relationship Expert I help busy women step into their radiant power through quick shifts of transformational healing, marriage tune-ups, and toxic relationship detoxes. Looking forward to hearing your voice :)

“As a busy, working wife and mother, optimum mental and physical energy are paramount to living my best life. When a highly tense and deeply rooted family situation had me constantly anxious and exhausted, Miriam helped me find my breath. Together, we worked on the tension in my chest, stomach and entire body as we finally loosened the hold that this tense situation had on me. Through our sessions, I learned that love and respect of my body’s cues leads to higher functioning and real peace of mind.” — Rachelle T. , New York

#1 New Release in Women & Judaism and Kabbalah & Mysticism, God Said What?! #MyOrthodoxLife is a tale of love, humor, faith, and Kabbalistic mystical happenings. You can get it here on Amazon! It is also sold in bookstores: Tuvia’s in New York, Kesher Stam in Chicago, Judaica770 in Florida and Barnes & Noble.

“I loved this book! I really appreciated how Miriam Racquel shared her story with honesty, wonder, and wisdom. I felt like I had the privilege to travel alongside her as her journey unfolded.”- Robin Loeb

Enjoy the latest “Words of Inspiration” newsletter: The Holy Baal Shem Tov

Love & blessings,

Miriam Racquel Feldman

Somatic/Mindbody Healer, Relationship & Clarity Coach, and Author



Author of “God Said What?! #MyOrthodoxLife”



Miriam Racquel Feldman
Miriam Racquel Feldman

Written by Miriam Racquel Feldman

Somatic Healer/Trauma Specialist/ Marriage Coach . Empowering women to trust themselves through the wisdom of their bodies & intuition. Visit MiriamRacquel.com

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