Life Lessons From Turbulent Travels
Flying has never been my favorite transportation. It may have something to do with being 30,000 feet in the air in a metal container. The consequences of a little screw being loose are just too scary for me to fathom.
Add turbulence to the equation and I’m not a happy camper.
On one of my least favorite trips from the East Coast to the South, the flight was experiencing some turbulence and from the cockpit came the reassuring voice apologizing for the rough ride and letting us know that “we’ll go higher if it gets too bumpy.”
When I heard the words of the pilot, not only did I feel safer, but I recognized that his message could be used as a metaphor in regards to the bumps in life that are part of the human experience.
If it’s too turbulent down below, go higher — raise your elevation.
Life on this planet is full of bumps and rough weather. It gets really turbulent at times — from flight difficulties ( we got to the airport at 5:30 am just to be told that we weren’t in the system), to the obviously much more serious issues that we are all well aware of.
But if you choose to raise your perspective to a spiritual elevation rather than stay below with the way the physical situation is presenting itself, the ride is smoother.
Just that morning of my trip, there were so many divine gleamings from the very frustrating flight mix up.
Whether we would be able to get out west like we had planned for with a bunch of tired children who had been awoken at 5 am from a deep slumber and with 12 suitcases, stuffed to the gills with kosher food or whether we would have to just pile back in a taxi and return home didn’t seem as disturbing when I considered that the truth and the root of this experience was in the unseen realms.
Having faith that there was a higher divine reason for this unexpected inconvenience helped me to feel more accepting (though disappointed) of this twist of fate.
And so it is with everything. There is always a divine reason for what happens at this lower elevation. But if we raise our eyes to the higher elevation — to the faith and possibilities of the unseen reasons causing the turbulence in this very physical realm, our rides will be smoother.
A job loss down here may be because G-d wants you to tap into a creative potential that you’ve ignored for so long.
A wrong turn may be so that you can elevate a piece of earth with a blessing of gratitude on a drink of water.
Some relationship mishaps may be because your soul and the other soul had some tweaking to do from a past lifetime.
Volumes of Jewish writings give glimpses into the unseen realms to give those suffering down here a bit of relief that their difficulties are not in vain, but are actually truly rooted in a kindness from above. That something from a past lifetime needed a tikkun (a spiritual fixing) or that there was some greater mystical happening from this event that didn’t look as neat and tidy in this physical realm.
The Baal Shem Tov, the founder of the Chassidic Jewish sect of which I’m a part of, said that we can learn something of our divine service from everything we see and everything we hear.
From the pilot’s words, I gleamed the message that if it gets too rough down below, I can choose to raise my elevation. Though I’m human and there are disappointments, frustrations and annoyances on a weekly basis, I can allow myself to feel those very normal emotions and then open my mind’s eye to the fact that there is a higher mystical reason for these occurrences.
When I go to this truth, I may not get the answer to the “Why?” but I can ask myself the “What?” — what can I learn from this that can make me a more compassionate, kinder person or even a stronger, more assertive person.
Only you as the one experiencing the tumult has access to the answer — in fact when you tap into your intuition, or as I like to call it, your Soul Speak, you may hear what lesson is being asked of you.
But your first step is to go higher and raise your elevation.
Need a helping hand? You can easily schedule a Free Clarity call here. As a Somatic Healer and Clarity Coach, I help busy women step into their radiant power through quick shifts of transformational healing, marriage tune-ups, and toxic relationship detoxes. Looking forward to hearing your voice :)
You’re also welcome to learn more about your Soul Speak by downloading my free gift: ‘3 Easy Steps to Mindbody Wellness’ at MiriamRacquel.com. Enjoy!
Sending love and blessings your way :)
Miriam Racquel (Meryl)
Somatic Healer & Clarity Coach