Imagine Letting Go of Stress For the Holidays
Mindbody Wellness Clarity Tips
Dear Awesome Woman,
Imagine letting go of stress for the holidays. Ahhh! Can you breathe a little better? Perhaps your chest feels a bit looser? That’s right — enjoy that breathing space. And now take let’s get more space by taking a conscious belly breath in and a long exhale out. Imagination is a powerful tool for our health especially when we integrate it with our emotions and intentions.
Holidays this year will probably be looking a bit different because of corona — maybe less people gathering, less food needing to be made.
And yet, you may still be feeling very stressed.
What are you holding onto that you can let go of? Where are you putting unnecessary pressure on yourself?
Let’s dive in because your body does not like stress. We are all walking nervous systems and our organs function much better when we are in the rest and digest, parasympathetic mode of being instead of the fight and flight, sympathetic mode of being.
Getting ready for the holidays should not be like we’re getting chased by a lion which is the purpose of the sympathetic nervous system with the cortisol and adrenaline coursing through our systems. Instead, we can choose to take action from a relaxed state of being — with our nervous system in a state of peace — when we drop the pressure of the mind.
One way to do this is to drop the word “should.” Notice the tension in your body when you say, “I should…” Now, drop the word, “should” and say, “I would love…” What is it that you would love to do for the holidays? Feel the uplift in your spirit when you let your imagination run wild with what would bring you joy for the holidays.
Okay. Let’s get practical. Not everything you’d love to do for the holidays is possible, but at least you felt the physical sensation of joy in your body.
Now, write down that list of the “shoulds” your mind is telling you. Then, cross out those “shoulds”, replace them with “coulds” and let compassion in.
The mind says,”I should do such and such.” The voice of compassion says, “I could do such and such, but then I will feel pressure, get overwhelmed, be resentful, not have time for self-care, spend too much money etc.” You get the drift.
Sure, there may be things that “need” to get done, but when you toggle those needs with compassion and a noticing of what lifts your spirit and what doesn’t, I bet you can notice a bunch of stuff that does not need to get done. Avoid the unnecessary heavy pressure of “shoulds” and do those things that allow for breath and expansiveness in your chest. Your body will thank you.
Another thing to do for your nervous system is to set an intention and visualize a scene in your imagination of you being relaxed and smiling. Play that movie in your mind and feel the physical sensations of emotions that arise for you. An expansiveness in your chest, a comfortable, grounded feeling in your stomach? Great! Practice daily and make choices around this intention. How can you simplify things? How can you choose self-kindness on your path to create this reality? And then enjoy the higher vibration that comes about from doing this.
Need a helping hand? I invite you to schedule your Free Clarity call today. As a Somatic Healer, Clarity Coach, and Relationship Expert, I help empower women to trust themselves through the wisdom of their bodies and intuition. Stress and pain relief, trauma processing, marriage magic, Narcissist/Borderline-relationship detoxing, career shifts, dating, and goal setting can all be accomplished through Mindbody Soul sessions (by phone). Download your free gift eguide: “3 Secrets to Solve Burnout and Get Energized the Mindbody Wellness Way” (also gives access to your free download of “Escape from the Borderline/Narcissist’s Web” ).
Enjoy! And please visit MiriamRacquel.com for more Mindbody Wellness insights. As a woman you have so much power in your relationships, careers and health to be accessed through the wisdom of your body and soul.