Horse Wisdom — 3 Mindbody Wellness Tips For Getting Grounded and Calm Today
Mindbody Wellness Clarity Tips
Dear Awesome Woman,
Feeling the stress and nerves of this election week? Instead of just one day of tension, the feelings of uncertainty, fear, upset, and overwhelm are being prolonged and dragged out. Adrenaline and cortisol levels are high perhaps making you feel unsafe as well.
Let’s use the wisdom of horses to calm your nervous system and get some grounding and inner peace today. Here are 3 Mindbody Wellness techniques to do just that:
- Get Honest With Yourself — Your Body Needs That From You!
When you’re feeling nervous, one mindbody technique to feeling calmer and more grounded is just to rest your hand on the area that feels jumpy or tight and say out loud, “I’m feeling nervous.” Instead of trying to brush aside the feeling or think your way out of it, honest compassion will do a lot to calm your nervous system.
We can learn from horses regarding this. When a person walks into a closed pen with a horse and pretends to be happy when in fact they are afraid or nervous, the horse won’t feel safe with them — the horse as a sentient being, feels the incongruence in the person’s body. But if the person gets honest with themselves and admits that they are nervous or fearful, then their blood pressure drops, and there is a calming in their body to the point that the horse senses congruence and feels safe with them.
Your body is like a horse — when it’s nervous, get congruent with it — be honest and admit with kindness to yourself how you’re feeling. That dropping inward with compassion, that giving of space to your very human self, settles the nervous system and can make you feel safe in your being.
2. The Safest Place To Be Is IN YOUR BODY.
Get present by feeling your feet on the floor, your soles touching the inside of your shoes or the floor itself. You can even stomp a bit to feel the vibration in your being. Listen to that sound and the other sounds around you. Breathe into your belly and release. Raise your arms up and down, flap like a bird — get expansion in your chest. Smell the smells of your environment. Feel your body on the chair, couch or bed that you are sitting on. Is the surface soft, hard or in between? Just notice. Look in front of you — what do you see?
A horse is always present and in grounded awareness of its body and environment. As often as we want to stay in our thinking mind and dissociate from our body, when we take a moment to focus gently with our senses on the present time and place, we will feel safer. Our nervous systems will calm.
3. Send Love To Your Wild Self.
Imagine a wild horse running inside a round pen. It’s racing alongside the walls feeling nervous, anxious and bewildered. That may be just how your body feels with all that is going on.
Now bring into your imagination a higher-self you standing in the center of the pen. This higher- self you is calm and compassionate, resting her eyes lovingly on the wild horse which is a part of you — your anxiety, your bewilderment, your fear, your frustration, your grief. All these emotions are running around in you.
And then the higher-self you says to the horse, “I see you. I love you. It’s okay to be scared.” She just allows that wild horse to run, to be frightened, to freak out. That higher-self you just stands with compassionate grace for the wild horse. I once heard this metaphor from life coach, Martha Beck, and when I “played” with it in my imagination, I felt a calmness descend into my body. I invite you to try it and see how it feels for you.
We don’t know what the future brings — it is beyond our knowledge to know. But we do have the power to be more centered, calm and loving to our bodies. We do have the power to ground and bring our nervous systems more peace. And G-d willing, this peace and calm can radiate forth into the world and bring a sense of safety to those we are sharing this planet with.
Sending blessings.
Need a helping hand? I invite you to schedule your Free Clarity call today. As a Somatic Healer, Clarity Coach, and Relationship Expert, I help empower women to trust themselves through the wisdom of their bodies and intuition. Stress and pain relief, trauma processing, marriage magic, Narcissist/Borderline-relationship detoxing, career shifts and goal setting can all be accomplished through Mindbody Soul phone sessions Download your free gift eguide: “3 Secrets to Solve Burnout and Get Energized the Mindbody Wellness Way” (also gives access to your free download of “Escape from the Borderline/Narcissist’s Web” ). Enjoy! And please visit for more Mindbody Wellness insights.
Also, great news! After months of writing, editing and attempts to bring into the world, the dating eguide is complete. It’s called “The Mindbody Wellness Dating Guide For Frum Women — Questions, Red Flags, Brakes, and The Good Stuff.” The word Frum refers to Jewish Orthodox.
In my particular community, Jewish Orthodox dating is done mostly through a third party — a matchmaker (shadchan) or friend. Once references have been checked out and the couple agrees to meet, the dating begins. This is a dating that is exclusively marriage-minded — meaning that the couple is not just dating for fun and having a good time. Yes, having fun and a good time are important, but the main purpose of the dating is to decide whether each other is their “beshert,” their soulmate and a good person to spend their lives with, building a home. Once decided, it’s off to the chuppah (Jewish wedding canopy) they go! The process moves quite quickly once a decision is made because the couple is practicing the Jewish laws of “shomer negiah”, which means the guarding of touch. There is no physical intimacy until after the couple has committed to each other through the Jewish law ceremony.
The reason I wrote the guide, and I do plan on adapting it for secular dating as well, is because as a coach and healer, some of my clientele come to me for marriage and relationship help. For many the tweaks are quite simple — taking effort, but totally doable to create a peaceful and loving home. But for others, especially if the husband or partner is a Borderline/Narcissist or just an extremely difficult, critical and controlling man, there are no simple tweaks and the relationship is often not viable. The wife has tried for years to do everything in her power to create a loving, kind home and yet all her efforts are to no avail because of the husband’s personality disorder or stubbornness.
Now, of course, it could be a woman who has these challenges, but in this guide I am only speaking to women because they are my clientele. The damage done is so toxic and consuming if the partner is cruel that I felt compelled to write a guide to prevent this kind of partnership. “The Mindbody Wellness Dating Guide for Frum Women” brings the Orthodox Jewish dating woman into the wisdom of her body as well as her mind, with questions, red flags and other pertinent information to highly discern the partner she is considering to share her life with. With this guide I hope to do my part in helping women have a beautiful relationship and marriage to come home to, one in which they and their partner bloom to their highest potential in an atmosphere of emotional safety and deep love.
Purchase your eguide here for $13.99, a few dollars well invested to save you or a loved one a lot of pain.
Also with purchase and for a limited time, I’m including a free 30-minute phone session to answer your personal questions or concerns on dating (mindbody wellness, red flags, discernment, etc.)
Miriam Racquel (Meryl) Feldman
Somatic Healer, Clarity Coach & Relationship Expert